How To Tame Your Inner Critic Instantly


I have all Seven Inner Critics!

Did you feel a little like that when you completed the quiz? There are times and situations when some will be louder than others.

However, we ARE multi-dimensional beings. The more you learn about your personality, your ego, your default patterns, the more empowered you can become, and recognize more of YOU underneath all that noise.

Here’s a little exercise to develop some SELF AWARENESS.

Be curious, Be an observer. This is to gather information only, no self blaming okay?

IMAGINE you are acting out a role on the “stage of life.” Pick one.(It could be anything, eg employer, employee, a family role, an accident of some sort, an time issue, relationship…) You might even be re-running a recent incident or interaction.

OBSERVE the situation, from your audience seat. Watch how the story came about, how the script is unfolding, how the actors are playing their part… the hero, the villain, the martyr, the mediator, the rescuer, the boss, the child… What role are you playing? What role is playing out opposite you?

LISTEN to the script, the words used. What is being said by your character in that scene? What are the words you are THINKING towards yourself, maybe uttering out loud.

How often do the words Should, You, You’re, But, Always, Never, and swearing occur?

CHALLENGE THEM! As soon as they pop in! eg “I’m so stupid. I always mess things up! I’ll never get over this” and so on….

Say I DISAGREE. (Out loud if necessary to break your spiral.)  to yourself!

Really? Stupid? Always? Never? 

Is that true? Seriously? Do you mean what your say? Do you actually believe them? Whose beliefs are they anyway? How long have they been there?

How does this self talk serve you? What need inside you does it meet? What if you could flip the old story? Are you ready to change it up? Breathe in and say these words to yourself…


THE END. Watch all the actors return to a standing ovation! Who would you give an award to for playing the best role? What would YOU get an Oscar for?

Find out about your own Inner Critcs – take the quiz here CLICK HERE

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