Flip the Inner Critic

Which one will be your loudest voice?  Patty Perfectionist, Connie Controller, Tessie Taskmaster, Olga Under Miner, Dot Destroyer, Gertie Guilt Tripper, Molly Molder?

 Much as you try, you can’t ignore them with positive affirmations. You can’t convince them they are wrong. Best you can do is learn to manage them!

All humans live in an inner world of thought which means that at any moment you have the power to reboot your mind and think differently.  

*First you have to decide to have better conversations with yourself. Building a Support Team can be fun, and help you in the beginning.

 *Become the observer of the situation. This helps you to separate and listen to the Inner Critic voices.

*Create your Inner Support team. They can help you flip the thoughts before you get caught up. You can re-boot your train of thoughts.

*Appreciate what you can learn from the situation, it could always be worse!

*Have compassion for yourself. Life gets messy sometimes, and you’re learning how to live life.

Rather than trying to change the world in each moment, you can witness what you are doing to yourself with your own thoughts. 

Once you begin listening to your thinking, and declare that you want a healthier conversation, your inner dialogue will shift.

You might begin to notice people and situations changing too. As you

change so will your outer experience change.

Would you like some mentoring to get started? Book here to discuss the best plan for you.



These characters might be fun friends for you when the Seven Inner Critics show up.

PattyPerfectionist                      →                Contented Cathie

Connie Controller                       →                Trusting Trudy

Tessie Taskmaster                    →                Satisfied Suzie

Dot Destroyer                             →                 Assertive Alice

Olga Under Miner                      →                  Proud Prue

Gertie Guilt Tripper                   →                  Courageous Cassie 

Molly Molder                             →                   Stand Out Stacey

Be the OBSERVER!   What might each of them say?















CREATE A LIST OF REFLECTIONS….about your Inner Critic and the games she plays. For instance:

Does she attack and withdraw afterwards? Or stay attacking?

Does she shrink and withdraw? Become resentful and blame others?

When her self talk escalates, which is her best friend Inner Critic? Eg Does Olga join in the party when Patty gets things wrong?

Which Critic plays out the most in certain situations, or certain people?

Notice their words too:  Always, Never, Not, But, Should, Shouldn’t, Ought to, Have to, It’s Hopeless, No Point trying,

Are they Blaming, Justifying, Denying, Retaliating,

Are they feeling like the victim, or the persecutor or rescuing?

Is their behavior motivated by resentment, rejection or regret?


REMEMBER: Your Inner Critic is here to PROTECT YOU.

Her reactions are based on someone else’s point of view, which you learnt from a young age. They may be from your own distorted beliefs based on your experiences.

The good news is you can CHANGE THEM! 

You can RE-PROGRAM your beliefs, make sense of things from a different point of view, create new habits of thinking, and choose a more conscious reaction to life around you.

Would you like some mentoring to get started? Book here to discuss the best plan for you.

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