Crystal Awareness™ is a stand-alone one day course, and also prerequisite for Crystal Dreaming™

During Crystal Awareness™ you will gain an understanding of crystals and how they affect our energy; working with crystals for personal growth, healing and balance, and how to expand your consciousness and enhance your environment and relationships.

Crystal Dreaming™ is a two day course where you learn experientially the refined strategies for facilitating a dreaming for your client.

The focus of all Crystal Dreaming™ is to facilitate a clear connection for your client with their own higher guidance through their own Higher Self and spirit team. In this state they may gain profound insights into their own life purpose. They will, in so doing, be touched by unconditional love, the energy that holds the fabric of the universe together.

The time has come to share this with the world. The alchemical transition of consciousness, once understood, can leave no doubt that by using the crystals as your allies, you are able to create a space where others can touch the Divine, discover their Life’s purpose, and enter a state of absolute bliss.

Raym Richards, the founder of Crystal Dreaming, had an unexpected and unplanned interaction with spirit beings some sixteen years ago, which he did not believe in nor was he trying to contact!

This, and other interactions, happened when he held a rare crystal, creating a portal through which his consciousness shifted out of this time-space continuum and into a higher vibrational reality. He was greeted by beings of the highest intent and purest love imaginable.

During a three day initiation, all the concepts and knowledge about crystals, their power for healing, and the techniques to facilitate a deeply altered state of consciousness were downloaded into every part of his being. They are there to be used for the divine highest good of all.

With the guidance from his inter-dimensional friends, the development of the techniques became known as a Crystal Dreaming™, which can facilitate access to a deeply altered state of consciousness. Once all energetic blockages are cleared, a connection with the Source of all love and empowerment can create profound spiritual, physical and emotional self-healing, manifesting instantly.

Raym has trained many practitioners over the years who have become successful healers, and now supports a new group as teachers to continue the work.

There are opportunities here to experience a Crystal Dreaming™, and be trained and licenced as a Crystal Dreaming™ Practitioner.

Crystal Awareness™ Crystal Awareness™ Practitioners course

In a fun hands on learning experience, we will look at:

  • How crystals are formed and types of crystals.
  • Preparing self and space before using crystals. Selecting, cleansing and programming crystals. Where crystal knowledge comes from.
  • Types of quartz, rainbows in quartz, sacred geometry, yin and yang quartz, Isis, Dow, window, channelling crystals, double terminators, lasers, record keepers and phantoms.
  • Crystals for meditation, personal crystals, wearing crystals and crystals in the home.
  • The seven major bodily energy centres or chakras, their purpose and how different crystals affect them.
  • Observing and feeling different crystals, using your intuition to sense their purpose.
  • Crystal chakra meditation with crystals and crystal singing bowl music.
  • Use of crystals to ease physical pain, remember dreams, release stress, create peace and harmony, neutralise electronic interference (computers) and much more.

This course is a prerequisite for our Crystal Dreaming™ practitioner course over the following two days.

Crystal Dreaming™ Crystal Dreaming™ Practitioners course

Learn how to guide others safely into a deeply altered state, accessing the Superconscious, past, present and future.

How it works

By placing crystals around the crown of the head, creating a particular pattern or mandala, it is possible to focus Divine Energy, open the pineal gland and trigger the shift in consciousness of your client into an “altered state.” After clearing negative energy and self-healing, it is possible to experience a profound state of oneness and bliss.

Crystal quartz is silicon dioxide the most common mineral compound on Earth is also found in small quantities throughout our body, hence the affinity or resonance between our own molecular structure and crystals. When crystals are placed on the body the healing process is stimulated from within.

These advanced techniques enable you to guide your client to a fully conscious reconnection with the never ending now in which our higher selves exist in a state of constant bliss. You may recall ancient past life abilities, clear Karma, open clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience during your session.

What it can achieve

Through Crystal Dreaming™ your client may travel into the depths of their being and there find true happiness and peace. Once experienced their life will never be the same again. Doorways previously locked will open – all they need is the courage to step into the unknown and discover the truth and beauty of who they really are. Crystal Dreaming™ allows you to guide this exploration of the inner plane, with a heightened awareness of reality, in a safe and nurturing environment.

The focus of Crystal Dreaming™ is to empower anyone to diagnose and treat themselves of any imbalance on any level. It will implement positive life changes from knowledge your client has personally received from the spirit realm.