Consciously Choosing Life

I believe we all have a genius to uncover, no one approach is right for every individual; that happiness is our birthright, as is our freedom to choose.

The paradox however is that by adulthood, most of us believe we are a victim of life, suppressed under a lamp shade, our innate uniqueness dulled down by the need to conform in order to belong and be accepted.

Resentment, Rejection, Regret culminate and flavor our perception with continued reinforcement in all aspects of our lives. By the middle years, we are questioning life more deeply, searching for truth, some meaning and purpose.

 We stand on top of the hill of lived experiences, where expectations and dreams from our youth are merely a distant memory or a depressing reminder of failure.  

We are confused and anxious as we consider our futures, knowing that the choices we make now will either create more of the same, or be a catalyst for re-igniting our deepest desires.

Some refer to this stage as the Midlife Crisis. There is a lot of research supporting we go through a ‘Happiness Dip. Our astrology and numerology, (ancient tools for guiding the human journey) would support this notion.  Finger Print Analysis confirms an instinctual truth, that our life is in our hands, and the road map has already been written. ”

 While we have our personal journeys to navigate, the outside continues to unravel our deepest held beliefs about the nature of the world, and the nature of being all things human. Science continues to open up new frontiers, creating a constant vibration of change that impacts us in so many ways.

What drives us then to make choices in any given moment, in any major decision that can change our whole trajectory and give potential for a new lived experience? 

How is the paradigm shift the world is living in changing the very way we think, make sense of our world, our lives, our relationships, our careers, our communities?

 What does human potential have left to draw upon, to make life meaningful, to live consciously, on purpose?

WHAT MOTIVATES YOUR CHOICES? To explore this more, of your VALUES here. Your next step is to book a clarity session, and you can explore further options, should this be of benefit to you… Self Awareness is a wonderful invitation to make conscious choices going forward!

Book a session with me.

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