Fear of Rejection can cause a person to fail even before they start something, influencing them for most of their lives. Self sabotage plays out with the search to belong, to be loved, find approval in career etc.

Resentment can transmute into a grudge, because the program still serves a purpose in keeping the person safe from being hurt. Every person in our life serves us in some way, and even resistance to them can motivate us.

Regret keeps us living in the past, feeling lonely, not telling someone you love them, failed relationships, and can make us very ill.

Your Inner Critic spends a lot of time on these three issues! It’s like an addiction and they just can’t stop adding more story to maintain the emotion. So if your brain cells are used to feeling depressed, the neural pathways will create depression, the same for any other responses.

With proper stimuli, our brain makes new connections all the time. It is possible to shut down receptors for negative programming and re-train the neuron receptors to create new positive connections.

You can teach the subconscious what it feels like to live without the negative, and what it feels like to live with the positive.                      

Your Inner Champion can help challenge and replace the old beliefs that hold these responses. With more awareness and acceptance, you can be nurtured by supportive, loving encouragement. For example:

I am rejected by Z (person/situation). Replace with I accept myself.          

I know what it feels like to live without being rejected.

I resent (Z). Replace with I release resentment, and I understand what it feels like to live without resentment.

I regret (situation). Replace with I am free of regret, and I understand what it feels like to live without regret.

When we are able to meet our basic needs…to belong, to feel empowered, enjoy freedom and fun, then we reduce the internal Tug of War and find a deeper sense of happiness and contentment. And YES, it is a life-time job!

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