I’ve learnt there are times to skim the surface and times to dive deep with studies. Being a life-long learner, I can’t help myself, I have to dive deep!
The Journey Method has a great process for working with beliefs and re-framing them on the subconscious level. Being fascinated with how the mind works, I wanted to know more in 2010 I began studying with Vianna Stibal becoming an Instructor for three of the basic modules.
Theta Healing ™ is a process of meditation that creates physical, psychological and spiritual healing using the theta brainwave. Muscle testing or Kinesiology is used to communicate with the body wisdom to identify what the subconscious believes as truth. Central to this is an absolute requirement that you have a belief in some form of Creator: God, Shiva, Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Goddess; are referred to here as Creator Of All That Is.
There is no religious affiliation. Anyone is able to connect to the Creator through focused prayer, and use the ability of the mind to heal through the Creator. This aligned well with my values and on-going training in the multi-faith spiritual school I was a member of, and where I had been learning about the energy body, chakras, the mind and soul.
We all acquire subconscious beliefs as children, and some serve us, some hold us back. If your subconscious beliefs say that you’re unworthy, unsuccessful, struggling or alone, that is the reality you will inevitably create without even meaning to. So true is the statement “What you think, you create”.
Everything starts as a thought. No matter how much effort you put in with your life, or how much you have done to heal, if these beliefs are still stored in your subconscious, they still have power. Have you ever questioned your beliefs? Do you actually believe them? Are they true? Whose beliefs are they? Do you want them? Do you know how to let go of the ones that hold you back in some way?
Theta Healing ™ also works on feelings. When we add emotion to our thoughts they become real to us. These become deeply embedded as part of our cellular memory, reinforcing a reality that becomes a belief, or so it seems. Sometimes we know what a feeling is and that we want it for our highest good. If we don’t know how to let go of unhealthy ones, and what it feels like to live without the old responses, or even that it’s possible to replace them with better ones, then the concept of a full healing on all levels is often not complete. Changing our emotional response is very important, otherwise the old pattern can return.
Theta Healing ™ helps to identify these life-long blocks to success, and bring these beliefs and emotions into alignment with what you really want to create in your life, like more love, abundance, health and freedom.
Once issues are resolved on all four levels of the subconscious, you are able to ‘download’ healthier beliefs and teach the associated supportive feelings by working with the Creator within the theta brainwave state.
I love how I can use the understanding and training from this modality in my private mentoring sessions. Providing a smorgasbord for my clients is so important to me. As a retired teacher I deeply appreciate the uniqueness of individuals and how they learn. One size does not fit all, and in any given situation, different skills are required.
I thoroughly recommend any of Vianna Stibal’s many books, and if you are interested in becoming a student, reach out and I can pass you on to the best instructors, as I chose to let my status go to focus more on my spiritual pathway.